Sunday, April 28, 2013

Packing Bags & Doctor Who

My freshman year of college has come to end too quickly; I've just sent most of my stuff off with my mom and will be coming home in less than a week. Over the two sweet semesters I've learned quite a few things. One being that I should manage my time better (surprise!), and another: that how much I put myself first. I have created some great relationships by for once considering others, and its taken time and effort but it was so worth it. Although some of us, including myself, like the solitude of being introverts, making an effort to branch out was a unexpected challenge and gift. God made sure I knew how it felt to be loved by such a great group of young ladies (encouragement to me that you're not always judged by your history), provided a time for introspection, and a strengthening of faith.

I've also gotten my first commission!!! A new friend asked me to make Eleven's new cashmere frock coat that's been showing up in recent episodes. We've already found the fabric, and I'm working on a pattern. It probably won't make it until we get back to school, since we intend on cosplaying a little after the new semester starts. I'm pretty sure I'm going to be Ten, only a femme doctor. There will be updates on design or progress in general.

So, sewing machine returned to the dept. and bags packed, I shall take up the challenge of finals. You probably won't see a terrible amount of projects, since I don't actually own a sewing machine of my own, and must rely on my visits to my grandparents, which I shall enjoy!

I shall leave you with a song I've been obsessed with lately; their harmony gives me goosebumps! Ladies and gents, I give you The Wailin' Jennys:

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