Tuesday, May 16, 2017

The Gayle Shift Dress (New Look by Simplicity 6500)

This is a quick little post after my long delinquency in not posting for nearly 5 months! I decided to try out a New Look pattern by Simplicity, #6500.  Instead of keeping it one solid piece of fabric, I went ahead and put in a waistline. The pattern was easy to follow, but I probably cut 2 sizes off after I had started in order to make it flattering. I suspect that there was some sort of mix up on sizes and body measurements.

Because I dislike blunt or plain seams at a waist line, I added a strip of cream lace, to make the fabrics segue a little better, a little feature with which they both coordinate. Overall an easy pattern, but the little details (or an outrageously bold fabric) definitely add a little character since it is such a simple pattern. Another feature I changed was the back; I already look considerably younger than I am, so I opened up the back, so it had a little more elegance and I didn't look 10.  There would probably be a facing for that if it was original to the pattern, but I just used bias tape. I am rather pleased with the outcome, and actually wear this a lot, so obviously its comfortable after you get the sizing back on track.

The reason I call this "The Gayle" is that all the fabric I used was from a woman named Gayle in a batch of odds and ends she was giving away, and I though it would be appropriate to name it so.

Happy Sewing!