Friday, May 29, 2015

Black Floral Dress

Dress number 3 has been completed! The rest of my pre-July projects will probably come from the  "One Piece Dress" book. Another light cotton. I'm still working on commissions which are coming along swimmingly. However, today is a no sewing day, so that I can catch up on readings and other responsibilities. The dress is very casual and turned out well, but I did not expect it to look so loose under the bust. It makes an excellent summer wear. It even has pockets.

It needs almost three yards of fabric, The second skirt piece has been folded under so I can cut two at once.
The facing really helped the flaps stay stiff so that they don't flop while wearing it.

I'm very in love with this floral.

Handstitched the hem; it felt like an eternity.
I'm a bit nervous about this seam. It is made on the very edge of the already hemmed edged of the entire top, so there was a great deal of backstitching.

3/5 done
Happy Sewing!

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Another Day, Another Dress

Since I start some summer classes in less than a week, I'm trying to get in as much sewing that I can -- without making a chore of it. The "One Piece Dress" book saves the day again *hip hip hooray! and glittery party blowers with colored confetti in the background.* I decided to do a variation of the cover dress. I added 10 inches in length and some 5-6 in slits for easier movement; my favorite coconut buttons were also used. I'm also sewing on commission this summer, and am working on some robes for an acting group, which I will probably post next week. Even though my personal and commission sewing have both proved to have their frustrations (there's nothing like a good challenge), I have found such joy in steady sewing with nothing else to worry about (except finishing Atlas Shrugged - which I have enjoyed thus far). I think my goal is going to be five personal items before July, which is when I have to buckle down on intercultural reading, alongside commissions.
So, the dress:

The fabric is the lightweight glory that is cotton. The vibrant greens against bold black is what sold me. Or, rather, how the Hobby Lobby lady sold it to me.

A nice little pleat. A vote for clean, simple details.

Behold, a coconut shell button. The button and loop is more decorative than functional, but it still makes things a bit easier.
The slits.
Made you look.
(Amy, Hannah, Lauren, Carolyn, Tabitha)

Happy Sewing!

Monday, May 25, 2015

Summer Begins With Peacock Feathers and Summer Dresses

School's out! I've found that I'm better at creative writing than I thought, I am definitely in the right major, and my linguistics/translations adventures have resulted in a trip to Thailand (Payap University). Now that I'm home for the summer, I'm sewing for fun/myself. I'm also sewing smaller projects on commission. Scholarships are also being applied for, and I'm moving into a house with some other girls to keep tuitions bills at minimum. It's been more than six months guys, since I posted anything.
However, in all my excitement I made a quick dress that turned out really well. The little Japanese sewing book I posted about in yonder post has lots of simple but elegant patterns.

<<This one- you can find others like it on YesAsia

As a prelude to the fabric, you should read about how the peacock got eyes on its feathers (well, according to Greek mythology): Hera and Eyes on the Peacock's Feathers
....a lovely story

Had to trace patterns off of one of the master sheets. I don't actually own any "official" pattern paper, so I just used white tissue paper
There was a slight struggle with the foreign language labels factor.
I tried so hard to make this happen with just 2 feet of fabric, but you need 2 feet and 6 inches (if you want all the necessary folds)

The first official try-on. All of my measurements were bigger than the biggest size, but since the dress is supposed to be loose I used the biggest measurement they had (I'm not that big). It fit like a dream. Onward!
For the drawstring waist I used cotton herringbone twill tape. One of my favorite supplies.
This is the finished product. It was made in about 5 hours (a Sunday afternoon).
As far as difficulty, the tube for the drawstring proved to be a little tedious. I spent a chunk of time trying to make it even.

These sleeves make me proud! Usually, I have inevitable bunching at the tops, by the shoulder edges, but it seems that my practice has paid off. :)

After deciding on going to Thailand, I was informed that skirts and dresses would need to be knee caps or lower, so I'm going to take advantage of that and make a couple of (or 5) things. This is a little short, so it won't go. Lesson learned, though. The rest should be a smashing adventure.
Happy Sewing!