Sunday, May 24, 2020

Measuring Tape Madness: Dress B from One Piece Dress is the Best

    Time for another little revisitation. This project uses the same pattern I used a few years ago from a Machiko Kayaki Japanese sewing pattern book, and that was the first successful dress that I made for myself. I used a cotton print, cotton twill for the tie, and made a size 13 (JP).  This time, it was super easy and I had it cut and sewn in 3 hours, which includes time spent on snack hunting and making googly eyes at other exciting projects. Below are the mood board and the pattern example from the book.

The mood board

Pattern example
The result! So, I pulled the old one out to humor myself, and it was a good idea because it served as a big ego-booster to see how much better my work on the new one was. Straighter seams, actually remembered to add seam allowance, better fit. A testament to practice, I think. This project is my little ode to sewing because of the little measuring tapes (Measure once, cut twice. Measure twice, cut once.) and because it revisits one of my personally crucial beginner milestones. There wasn't really anything so big as making a dress and having it fit after all that work. 



Happy Sewing and Happy Memorial Day!

Remembrance and thanks to those that have given their lives for our country. 

Monday, May 4, 2020

The Sketchbook Project: Saturday Dressmaker // Tactile Qualities

I don't normally work on really long-term projects because they tend to be forgotten. However, I decided to take on Brooklyn Art Library's Sketchbook Project. It was great opportunity to actually create some mood boards. I was assigned to the Volume 15 group. The picture above is out list of suggested themes, of which tactile qualities stuck out, naturally.

What I wrote in the 'Artist's Comments' section:

"Tactile Qualities: Sewing Mood Boards for Nov. 15, 2019 - Jan. 25, 2020

Sewing is equally creative as it is cathartic for me. When I sit down to work on a project, it's relaxing and energizing, but that same process draws out my inner creative, fixer, and maker. This collection of mood boards gives a peek into my "idea bank" during the 2019-2020 winter, when I finally put down the inspiration I had mentally stockpiled from the months before to paper. It ranges from everyday clothing inspired by characters from a book I read and a dress I made simply because I was freezing the day before, to special occasion projects. My mood boards are my last round of visualization before making a garment, a final meeting place for all the ideas to sort their problems out before the hands-on project begins.
Everyday, home, and personal sewing (both practical and leisure sewing) require a unique, and often underrepresented, artistic process and skill from the individual that I hope to represent a little bit of in this sketchbook for the Brooklyn Art Library."

Happy Sewing!

Friday, May 1, 2020

Simplicity 8230

It has definitely been a while and lots has happened!
While we're all under quarantine, I've had some extra time to start wedding planning. That's right, I'm engaged. We're pretty excited for what lies ahead. ๐Ÿ’• My "something borrowed, something blue" is pretty much my mom's wedding planner for guidance. ๐Ÿ˜†

I'm still tutoring online, but school is out for the year for the local school district, which gives me a little bit of a break and time to catch up on hobby and home projects... and wedding planning and getting a head start on putting together our future house. 

One of those projects I've caught up on is Simplicity 8230 by Dottie Angel.  I worked on this apron dress over two days, but if I had not handsewn the binding, I think I could have had it done in 2-3 hours. The apron ties can be tied at the front or back. I prefer the back. As I said already, I hand-sewed the hem, armhole, and neck binding for a clean and finer finish. I also think that hand-sewing it (especially with seam binding) let it fall in a more flattering way on me. I also shortened the overall length by 2.5 in. I made it in a heavier linen that a friend picked up for me just because it reminded her of me  (can you feel the love?๐Ÿ˜„) I also just remembered that I finished this right in time for Me Made May. ๐ŸŽ‰


All in all, an easy and satisfying project. If I could change anything next time around, I would shorten the dress at the natural waist and not the hem. However, it's another good one in the books. 
Happy Sewing  (and don't forget to wash your hands!๐Ÿงผ)!