Friday, October 18, 2013

Pride and Prejudice Results...Sort of...

So, I was tested in endurance these last couple of weeks. I finished two regency dress-ish things in two weeks, which is pushing my ability (and my life balance).
After I finished the bodies of Georgiana and Miss Bingley's dresses, We added a pale yellow ribbon to the waist of Georgiana's and changed the sleeves to the puff sleeves with elastic to ruffle them. My first time successfully inserting sleeves too, by the way. I added a black ribbon to the waist of Miss Bingley's and a velvet type fabric to the neckline, which was an appropriately atrocious mustard.

Hopefully I can provide pictures as soon as the school posts them.
The performances we fantastic! Such a talented group of people. The play also had a sort of comedic touch to it, but that in no way took away from Austen's work.
Some wonky pre-debut shots:

Lizzie was a senior and Darcy a freshman

added some ruffles to everything...
 Adding the drawstring casing around the neck

And you all need some proper Pride and Prejudice

And some tasty treats:

Thursday, September 5, 2013

In Transition

Back to school it is. Here is where my personal projects take a step back and work study leaps forward in their place, not necessarily a bad thing. The first play is Pride and Prejudice (yay!) At the moment I believe my assigned character is Georgiana; the fabric chosen is quite gorgeous. We've chosen the crossover Empire waist you'll see below with elbow length sleeves. Looks like the weekend will be very productive between sewing and homework. There will be an update after the dress is finished!

The excellent BBC Georgiana

And a random recipe to try: Sea Salt Ice Cream

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Mastering the Miette

Upon the arrival of my new sewing machine, I had a moment of sewing frenzy. My spontaneous project of choice: The Miette Skirt by Tilly and the Buttons, a wrap around skirt and a pleasant beginner pattern; directions were uber easy to follow. I printed it out Friday evening, worked it out on Saturday in about 7 hours total. The fabric is one probably older than I am, but is a vibrant emerald with some black pinstripe-ish print. There were some dye imperfections, but it added character. I also got to beam with pride as I wore it at the morning church service and my brother's birthday party this afternoon :)

Piecing the print out together

 Stitching the front panels together

 action shot! courtesy of my sister...

preparing the waistband 

 Realized that chalk is a necessity - and I learned how to make a button hole

 Side hem

 "new" machine in action! I have yet to name it.


and to wrap it up....

The lipstick color I'm recently obsessed with (on the left): French Martini

Thursday, August 8, 2013

Sewing Machine Obtained, Mission Accomplished.

After agonizing over the fact that I don't actually own a sewing machine, I was informed by one of my friends that her mother wanted to get rid of her's. Unfortunately it had been in "hibernation" for much too long, but they managed to nurse it back to life! So here it is; every now and then there is a glitch, but its pretty great :) *throws confetti* and a big thanks to my friend!

A song I'm recently addicted to:

Monday, July 29, 2013

Apron Finished (Finally!)

In the same trip that I finished the little dove dress, I has plenty of time to finished a rather prolonged project, my paisley apron. It was very easy; the only part I needed a pattern piece for was the main body. The rest was a breeze, but still showcased my not so gorgeous seams....  And although you can't see it the pocket is actually two; I stitched down the middle of the original.

drawing out ideal pocket...

Pinning the border on

...and the neck

 ironing the pocket border

And some music :)

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Doves and Denim: Part 2

Home from church on a abnormally cool summer day in MS(really. Today's high is a mere 80 degrees; usually its well above 95 by the end of July) and time for an update. As prelude to a trip to Memphis, I stopped at my grandparents' house again on Thursday, and finished the dress and my apron. The ribbon was obtained, we found two little white buttons to sit at the top of the neckline, and it was hemmed; my hem was actually very smooth this time--progress! Something my grandmother shared that her mother told her about getting frustrated about having to do something over again "do and redo, it's still working." Even if your doing it for the nth time, you're still improving it and moving forward.
An earlier pic of the very simple pattern

I leave for 30 seconds and they invade...

 The great search for buttons and the gros grains ribbon

 Stitched the ribbon onto the back first

Then stitch to the front with a gap to tie the bow

 Voila! dress

And to think this is what it started as...

Some Elvis!

Memphis was great; I strolled down Beale, visited Graceland, hopped aboard the trolley, enjoyed a very much needed family reunion, and was reminded of how much the little things in life can make you smile. By the way, this place is splendid >