Since I start some summer classes in less than a week, I'm trying to get in as much sewing that I can -- without making a chore of it. The "One Piece Dress" book saves the day again *hip hip hooray! and glittery party blowers with colored confetti in the background.* I decided to do a variation of the cover dress. I added 10 inches in length and some 5-6 in slits for easier movement; my favorite coconut buttons were also used. I'm also sewing on commission this summer, and am working on some robes for an acting group, which I will probably post next week. Even though my personal and commission sewing have both proved to have their frustrations (there's nothing like a good challenge), I have found such joy in steady sewing with nothing else to worry about (except finishing
Atlas Shrugged - which I have enjoyed thus far). I think my goal is going to be five personal items before July, which is when I have to buckle down on intercultural reading, alongside commissions.
So, the dress:
The fabric is the lightweight glory that is cotton. The vibrant greens against bold black is what sold me. Or, rather, how the Hobby Lobby lady sold it to me.
A nice little pleat. A vote for clean, simple details.
Behold, a coconut shell button. The button and loop is more decorative than functional, but it still makes things a bit easier.
The slits.
Made you look.
(Amy, Hannah, Lauren, Carolyn, Tabitha)
Happy Sewing!
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