Saturday, June 1, 2019

Oliver + S Popover Sundress: Dress A Girl Around the World

After coming back from PRW, I knew my scrap mountain had finally reached it's limit. So, I decided to do a charity project to bust the ridiculous amount of cotton bits and pieces and notions I have leftover from past projects. I decided to go with Dress a Girl Around the World, and maybe next time I'll find a project for boys to balance things out. This particular one is exactly what it sounds like: making dresses for girls who are overlooked in particular cultures strictly based on gender. The program puts it best on their own site:

Dress a Girl Around the World is a Campaign under Hope 4 Women International (a 501 (c) 3 organization) bringing dignity to women around the world since 2006.  Hope 4 Women International is a nondenominational independent Christian organization.  Visit our website to learn more at Hope 4 Women International
We dream of a world in which every girl has at least one new dress.  We want girls to know that they are worthy of respect, and that they are loved by God.

I decided to go with a simple, but cute ( and free!) printable PDF pattern from Oliver + S:

I loved the results of the mismatched fabrics! Honestly, I wish I was 4 again so I could wear them. A person can finish one easily in an hour. The ties are adjustable closures and it has an A-line shape.
It is super easy to make and easy to add features such as trims or extra seams, and I am thrilled that they can make a little girl feel cared for and special. There is no other feeling like putting on and stepping out in a dress you love.
I made 7 dresses (four size 3s and three size 5s) and later today I'll be sewing these labels on the outside.

So here are my results (that still need more ironing):

All that's left to do is iron, label, pack them up, and send them out.
Happy Sewing!